Fitbit Summary for March 16, 2020

This is an automated fitness tracking post from my Fitbit tracker. Please hit the comments below and let me know how I stacked up against you! Challenge me to do better, or praise me for my success! Its all motivation for continued health and fitness!

March 16, 2020
Total steps: 6883
Floors climbed: 0
Calories burned: 2931
Elevation gained: 0 meters
Traveled: 5.14 kilometers
Sedentary minutes: 662
Lightly active minutes: 107
Fairly active minutes: 7
Very active minutes: 27

Fitbit Summary for March 15, 2020

This is an automated fitness tracking post from my Fitbit tracker. Please hit the comments below and let me know how I stacked up against you! Challenge me to do better, or praise me for my success! Its all motivation for continued health and fitness!

March 15, 2020
Total steps: 4441
Floors climbed: 11
Calories burned: 2845
Elevation gained: 33.53 meters
Traveled: 3.32 kilometers
Sedentary minutes: 1001
Lightly active minutes: 181
Fairly active minutes: 0
Very active minutes: 0

Fitbit Summary for March 14, 2020

This is an automated fitness tracking post from my Fitbit tracker. Please hit the comments below and let me know how I stacked up against you! Challenge me to do better, or praise me for my success! Its all motivation for continued health and fitness!

March 14, 2020
Total steps: 4267
Floors climbed: 24
Calories burned: 2690
Elevation gained: 73.15 meters
Traveled: 3.18 kilometers
Sedentary minutes: 1106
Lightly active minutes: 83
Fairly active minutes: 2
Very active minutes: 22

Fitbit Summary for March 14, 2020

This is an automated fitness tracking post from my Fitbit tracker. Please hit the comments below and let me know how I stacked up against you! Challenge me to do better, or praise me for my success! Its all motivation for continued health and fitness!

March 14, 2020
Total steps: 2705
Floors climbed: 17
Calories burned: 2520
Elevation gained: 51.82 meters
Traveled: 2.01 kilometers
Sedentary minutes: 1134
Lightly active minutes: 65
Fairly active minutes: 2
Very active minutes: 12

Fitbit Summary for March 13, 2020

This is an automated fitness tracking post from my Fitbit tracker. Please hit the comments below and let me know how I stacked up against you! Challenge me to do better, or praise me for my success! Its all motivation for continued health and fitness!

March 13, 2020
Total steps: 9789
Floors climbed: 36
Calories burned: 3404
Elevation gained: 109.73 meters
Traveled: 7.29 kilometers
Sedentary minutes: 817
Lightly active minutes: 107
Fairly active minutes: 4
Very active minutes: 72